Bethel Announces partnership with TN College of Applied Technology

TCAT Social MediaBethel University’s College of Professional Studies Vice President Kelly Sanders-Kelley announced an agreement today that will make it easier for graduates of Tennessee College of Applied Technology in Clarksville or Dickson to transfer to Bethel to complete their bachelor’s degrees in Organizational Leadership or Management & Organizational Development.

Area TCAT Director Dr. Arrita Summers stated that the academic partnership “demonstrates our commitment to promoting continued education to Tennessee adults.” The partnership, she said, saves students time and money, while putting highly educated individuals into the workplace at an increased rate. “Together, we are working towards meeting the governor’s Drive to 55 goal to see 55% of Tennesseans possess a postsecondary certificate or degree by the year 2025. TCAT Dickson is pleased to be an educational partner with Bethel University,” Summers said.

The articulation agreement allows seamless transfer of credits for TCAT students who have completed the Administrative Office Technology program with a concentration in Medical Administrative Assistance, Accounting Assistant, or Administrative Assistant. Transfer students in good standing can bring in up to 30 credit hours for classes completed at TCAT.

“This is a truly exciting partnership,” said Gina Willis, Director of Recruitment for Bethel’s College of Professional Studies. “Both Bethel and TCAT prepare graduates to thrive in today’s competitive professional environment. We look forward to offering incoming students the personal care and relevant curriculum that Bethel University is known for.”

One of the oldest private institutions in Tennessee, Bethel University is also one of the fastest-growing universities in the South. In addition to being designated a “Military Friendly” school for 2016, Bethel was recently ranked 2nd in the nation in the list of Best Online Christian Liberal Arts Colleges, based on academic merit, acceptance and graduation rates, enrollment and retention.

To learn more about Bethel University’s College of Professional Studies programs, go to, or contact Terry Morris at (931) 449.9310 or